Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July Prayer Intentions


Our Holy Father Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for July is: "That all those who are in prison, and especially young people, may receive the necessary support from society to help them rediscover a sense to their own existence."

His mission intention is: "That, in the mission territories, different ethnic and religious groups may live in peace and together build a society inspired by human and spiritual values."

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Scottish Proverb

"Better keep the devil at the door than turn him out of the house."
--Scottish Proverb

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Via Sancta

Via Sancta
Just rejoined St Blog's Parish and looking about a bit, this is the first blog I looked at. Stuart, I hope you go back again in August! What a beautiful calling. Someday I hope to see the Holy Land--actually I long for it; so, I can understand this very well.

God speed!