Monday, March 30, 2009

Father Robert Barron Critiques Obama's "The Audacity of Hope"

Father Barron on Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope"

Very cogent review; I don't know whether it gives me hope, or reinforces my fear of Obama's ultimate cynicism.   I guess it depends on whether what Fr. Barron perceives as a sort of inchoate misgiving in Obama's mind about abortion really is so, or whether the man sees the issue clearly and is dancing around it.  I hope for the former, and I pray daily that Obama will be open to the voice of God whispering in his heart.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Misery--His Graciousness

As I struggle my way through Lent, I find myself wrestling with my usual difference between what I desire to do and what I am actually doing.  I begin anew today with empty hands.  Oddly enough, though, I am in high spirits!  What a grace it is to be able to receive so much from the Father.  Every tiny act that through grace, God grants me to carry out, He then receives from me as if it were the most precious pearl, the greatest work of art, that He has ever seen!

And what is more amazing, an even more thrilling manifestation of mercy, when I stumble, when I show up with empty hands and brokenness, God just pours His mercy over me; as Fr. Donald Calloway would say, He just mercifies me!

With these thoughts in my mind this morning, I thought that Air Maria's daily feature of meditations based on the letters of  Padre Pio was particularly apt for this.

From St. Pio's pen:

He will grant you His grace, and will raise the throne of His glory over your abjection and vileness.”

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Latest on Moloch-Obama, the "Pro-Science" Prez

This I just found on Dyspeptic Mutterings .  It's a creepy, slithering little add-on evil to Moloch's (err, Obama's---so sorry) campaign against the protection of human life.

At the same time he obliged all of us to support by our tax dollars that which so many know to be an abomination, he also ended mandated support for pluripotent stem cell research.  How odd.

How does that make good scientific sense?  Beats me.  But it does send a pretty good frisson up my spine.  A tad on the malevolent side, I'd say.

On your knees and pray...pray...pray.