is a very heartening story, which reflects a culture of life!
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Observations along the way...
is a very heartening story, which reflects a culture of life!
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Posted by MaryAgnesLamb at 6:30 PM 0 comments
From Confessions of a Hot Carmel Sundae, Via Rambling GOP Soccer Mom.
The ABC Meme
Accent: Southern Indiana, which is upper south, with a twang, I guess.
Butter or Margarine: Butter.
Chore I Hate:Bookkeeping
Dog or Cat: Love both, but if must choose, then cat.
Essential Electronics: Computer, and I hate to say it---cell phone.
Favorite Cologne(s): None
Gold or Silver:Silver
Hometown: W Terre Haute, IN
Insomnia: Nope, I can sleep just fine.
Job Title: In between job titles, but always mom.
Kids: one
Living arrangements: too small house.
Most admirable trait: clueless--no, I mean I am, not that its admirable!
Nicknames: Shorty, the short woman, the little woman, mamacita.
Overnight hospital stays: Birth of baby, and a couple of surguries which shall remain nameless.
Phobias: Starting projects
Quote: "Life is a like a single night spent in a bad inn" --St. Teresa of Avila
Religion: Roman Catholic
Siblings: none
Time I wake up: around 5 am
Unusual talent or skill: rosary making
Vegetable I refuse to eat: love 'em all.
Worst habit: getting irritable with my daughter.
X-rays: I glow in the dark, now.
Yummy stuff I cook: Bean soup, cottage cheese dumplings, Veggie soup
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Posted by MaryAgnesLamb at 8:19 PM 1 comments
"The human mind has two faculties: one speculative, which is directed
to knowledge; the other the will, which carries that knowledge into
action, and which chooses and decides. An evil life does not spoil the
speculative intellect. An atomic scientist who is immoral does not
directly impair his atomic knowledge. But when it comes to judgment, to
directing and guiding, then the evil life exercises its influence. Any person
who consults a psychiatrist should first make an analysis of the kind
of life he lives, because though his scientific equipment may be good,
when it comes to giving counsel, the doctor may be incapable. Our
Blessed Lord warned that behavior affects attitudes toward Him. 'You will not
come to Me because your lives are evil.' " --Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
How true I have found this to be! In my own life, when I first returned
to the Lord, the formation of my will to do evil had become quite strong. I was
without any sort of resistance to temptation. Still I pay the price for turning
away from God. I pray always to be protected in my weakness, and my poor
guardian angel has a fight on his hands every day.
I have seen this very much in others, as well. I have a very dear friend
whose intellect is quite amazing, but because he has in the past led a very
dissolute life, now his lens on the world is so very dark, and as well, he simply
is presently incapable of hearing the Good News.
Dearest Jesus, deliver us from our selfmade hells!
Posted by MaryAgnesLamb at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, everywhere present and
filling all things. Treasury of Blessings, and Giver of Life, come and dwell
in us, cleanse us from every impurity and save our souls, oh Good One.
-- Orthodox prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Just three more days.
Oh Infinite Spirit of Love! Rend the heavens and come to your people who long to be filled with You!
Posted by MaryAgnesLamb at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Here it is, only 4 days from Pentacost! The Easter season, so rich in joy and liturgical content, has really flown by for me this year.
Last week I started a novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentacost. The Novena to the Holy Spirit is the oldest novena in the Church, as it was that novena prayed by the disciples in the upper room, as they waited for the Spirit to come. In reality, there is no set form for this novena, although one will find several extant on the web and elsewhere. One simply prays to the Holy Spirit, in whatever way the Spirit moves one to pray.
Here is one such novena on the web, if you'd like to try one.
Posted by MaryAgnesLamb at 4:00 PM 0 comments