Sunday, September 23, 2007

St. Therese Novena

Boy am I good at coming in on the second or third day of things!! This is day 2 of the Novena for the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux.

Novena to St. Therese
To be Said Each Day:

Come Holy Spirit and fill the heart of the faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love.

V. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created.

R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us Pray: O God, who hast instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of that same Holy Spirit we may be ever truly wise and rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity

Oh my God, I believe in thee and rejoice in the gift of faith, strengthen this gift in me. All of my hope is in thee, may it always reside there and grow ever stronger. I love thee with all of my poor strength, grant to me and increase of they love, that I may return it to Thee more each day.

Act of Contrition

Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pangs of hell, but even more because you are all good, and worthy of all my love. With true contrition I turn again to you, and resolve that with the help of your grace I firmly resolve to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen

Concluding prayer to be said Each Day

Dear Jesus, you have said that unless we become as little children we will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. Grant through your grace that we may learn to follow the way of spiritual childhood of the blessed virgin St. Therese, and through her example of trust and humility come to enjoy forever the glory of your kingdom.

Second Day:

Oh my dear Sister, now that you see Our Dear Savior in heaven, still bearing the wounds He endured for our sins, you know even more vividly the value of souls, and the priceless value of the Most Precious Blood which he willingly shed to save them. As I am one of those children for whom Christ died, obtain for me all the graces that I need to profit by that Precious Blood. Use you great power with Our Divine Lord and pray for me!

Intercede for us always all the days of our lives, but most especially during this Novena, and obtain for us from God all the graces and favors that we ask through your intercession. Amen.

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