Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More on Scripture from Pope Benedict

In his audience today, the Holy Father reflected on St. Jerome, specifically on his love and lifelong study of Sacred Scripture.

Truly "enchanted" by the word of God, Jerome asked himself: "How could
we live without the science of Scriptures, through which we learn how
to know Christ himself, who is the life of the believer?" (Ep. 30,7).
Hence the Bible, the instrument "with which God speaks to the faithful
every day" (Ep. 133,13), becomes catalyst and source of Christian life
for all situations and for everyone.

In his audience the Pope goes on to discuss how Jerome encouraged this love in all Christians, but also how he cautioned that Scripture must always be viewed and interpreted with both the aid of the Holy Spirit, and through the lens of orthodox Catholic Teaching.

For him an authentic interpretation of the Bible always had to be in harmony with the faith of the Catholic Church. This is not an external requirement imposed on the book. The book itself is the voice of the people of God in pilgrimage, and only in the faith of these people we find the right frame of mind to understand sacred Scripture. Hence Jerome warned: "Stay firmly attached to the traditional doctrine that has been taught to you, so that you can preach according to the right doctrine and refute those who contradict it" (Ep. 52,7)

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